The George Mason High School Alumni Association (GMAA)
was first organized in 1988 to support activities associated with the 40th Anniversary of the City of Falls Church Public School System (FCCPS). Once organized, the GMAA has continued to grow and function as the primary means of locating, informing, and supporting the over 6,000 alumni, alumni teachers and administrators of George Mason High School, located in the City of Falls Church, Virginia.
The GMAA is comprised of an executive board, class representatives from each George Mason graduating class (1953 through 2006), and FCCPS staff. In addition, the Falls Church Education Foundation (FCEF) is now contributing time and financial support in helping with the publishing and printing of the GMAA newsletter, the Mustang Review. Published on a twice yearly basis, the Mustang Review is mailed to over 5,000 GMHS alumni, alumni teachers and administrators.
In addition to helping publish the Mustang Review newsletter and maintaining the alumni database, the GMAA also:
Sponsors the GMAA All-Class Reunion every five years. The first such reunion coincided with the 50th Anniversary of the Falls Church City School System in June 1999 (the school system was created in 1949 after the City of Falls Church separated from the County of Fairfax in 1948) and the 300th Tricentennial Celebration of the founding of the town of Falls Church which occurred in 1699. The second GMAA All-Class Reunion was held in June 2004 and we are looking forward to our third reunion event in June 2009.
In cooperation with, and the support of, the George Mason Athletic Department and the George Mason Athletic Boosters, the GMAA helps organize the GM Athletic Hall of Fame to honor and recognize the rich history of George Mason High School athletics since the school opened in September 1952. To date, there have been three induction ceremonies (1993, 1995, and 2006) with a total of 20 athletes (nine charter members), three coaches, and one team inducted into the GM Athletic Hall of Fame. Our fourth ceremony is planned for September/October 2007.
Facilitates individual GM class reunions.